June 16, 2011


There are consolidated issue when dispose shares in subsidiary.
  • the resultant relationship between the investor and the investee
    • the parent ceases to hold any shares in the investee
    • remain parent but minority interest increases
    • investee becomes associate
    • investee become simple investment
    • less monitoring and involvement
  • goodwill on consolidation, amortised or not?
    • may writen off against reserves or
    • amortized through pnl or
    • carried in the books as non-depreciable assets- to be eliminated when corresponding shares are disposed of
  • determination of gain or loss on disposal of the shares in the investee
    • difference between proceeds received(or receivables)  -  carrying value of the assets.
    • for consolidated purposes: - proceeds are offset with the proportionate net assets of the subsidiary at the date of disposal.
      • the net net impact on the disposal of shares in investor's books is that, the gain on disposal in Board/Company level is higher that Group Level. This is due to proceeds -  net assets on the disposal date and not based on date of acquiring
* resultant = occuring  or produced as a result